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Eric Matz statistically outperforms other local and national agents

Eric Matz REALTOR®

For more than 30 years Eric has helped friends, neighbors and their referrals buy and sell homes in the San Diego area. His expertise and experience have placed him at the top of his profession.

I'm Eric.

For more than 30 years I have helped friends, neighbors and their referrals buy and sell homes in the San Diego area. I use my extensive experience to secure top dollar for sellers and empower buyers purchase their dream home. read more

You deserve

Better Results

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Years of Experience

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Total Homes Sold


Listings Sold in 2022

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Million Sold in 2022

17123 W Bernardo Dr 203
San Diego, California 92127
4025 Morrell St San Diego, California 92109
3122 Central Ave San Diego, California 92105
13740 Sagewood Dr Poway, California 92064

More than a billion in closed transactions

$ 0

Hi. I'm Eric.

For more than 30 years I have helped friends, neighbors and their referrals buy and sell homes in the San Diego area. I use my extensive experience to secure top dollar for sellers and empower buyers…
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OUr Listings

Perform Better


Sell Faster

We strategically prepare every home to attract the best qualified buyers within the first week of going to market. From there, our team manages the entire escrow process to expedite sales timeline.


Higher Returns

Pricing a home to sell for the highest price takes a lot of experience, market knowledge and research. Combined with exceptional marketing, our technique is proven to sell homes at 100% of asking price.


Better Offers

Our listings are showcased with high-end photography, high-tech virtual tours and high-quality print marketing. We reach a broader audience of buyers and position listings to sell for top dollar.

Highly Rated

5-Star Reviews

Eric was the complete, professional Real Estate Agent for us. He worked very fast to get out house listed, photographed, and sold. We were impressed by him and his team of people who worked hard to help us accomplish our goal.
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Steven Gray Avatar
Steven Gray
Eric and his team did an amazing job of assisting with the sale of my parents home. He has intimate knowledge of the system, prepared amazing pictures and drone footage for the listing, was hands one with subcontractors to make sure everything was prepared to a high standard, included the neighborhood in a special open house to give some closure to the passing of my parents, presented the offers in a fashion that was not only focused on highest dollar amount, but also characteristics of the potential buyers to allow me to select the best opportunity for a quick close, then negotiated all repairs and pushed through a close quickly and on time. By far the best home sale I have been involved with in 30+ years. Highly recommend him and his team.
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Rick Lewis Avatar
Rick Lewis
WE had an excellent experience selling our Poway home with Eric Matz and the team there. Really appreciate the quick replies, help and professional real estate services. No complaints!
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Shawn Crandall Avatar
Shawn Crandall

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