Official homepage for the City of Vancouver

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What's new

Vancouver Landfill Open House

Join us for a free, behind-the-scenes tour of the Vancouver Landfill at our open house on Saturday, June 8 from 10am to 2pm. Meet the trained falcons, create arts and crafts, and much more!

June is Italian Heritage Month

Celebrate Italian heritage this month and the 75th anniversary of la Festa della Repubblica (Italian National Day).

Coexisting with coyotes

Coyote mating pairs begin denning in January and their pups are born in spring.

Learn how to coexist with coyotes and report coyote sightings.

Public notices available online

Review notifications on public hearings and tax, by-law, election, and other items regularly. 

Find out what's happening and how and when you can share your views on items that go to Council. 

Share accessibility barriers

We want to hear from anyone in Vancouver who:

  • Experiences a barrier
  • Witnesses someone experiencing a barrier

Your feedback will help us understand the barriers people face to remove them.