WESTWOOD PLACE – Watertown MN Assisted Living

An Assisted Living Residence is not a nursing home. It is for senior persons who are able to take care of their own basic needs, but who have difficulty with cooking meals, or who need transportation to the clinic, pharmacy, hair appointments, etc. Very importantly it provides companionship with other senior persons and daily activities to keep both the mind and body active. It also provides 24-hour supervision with qualified personnel experienced with independent senior living.

Friendly Accommodating Staff

I’am pleased with all this community has done for us. My father is doing pretty well here. The community looks nice, they do a good job with making sure everything is well maintained and tidy. The staff is friendly, kind, and accommodating. There are many activities offered like bingo, and card games. He does enjoy the meals. I know he is safe and in good hands.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in a caring residence for yourself or your parent, we’d like to offer you a personal tour. Please fill out the contact information below to schedule an appointment.

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Phone: 952-955-1399
Fax: 952-955-1398


209 Jefferson Avenue, SW
Watertown, MN 55388



©2018 Westwood Place Living