Jesus. People. Relationships.

It’s about family.


Find missed or favorite sermons here.


Where 2 or more are gathered in His name…


An incredible resource for any family!


Phone, email, visit – get in touch today!


Children’s Church – Preschoolers

Playtime is “yay” time for preschoolers! Every little kid loves to play and now they get to do it during the storytelling time. During “Paper Puppet People,” each preschooler will have their own paper cutout characters from the Bible story. As the story is told,...

Children’s Church

Paper or plastic. Chocolate or vanilla. Mullet or mohawk. Life is filled with tough “this or that” choices! During the “This or That” series, kids will hear a portion of the Big Bible Story, then they’ll have to predict what happened next, this or that. Did Timothy...

RightNow Media

We’re excited to share that our church has access to an extensive, video library called RightNow Media! It’s like the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies” and has a HUGE library of over 12,000 faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want—on your...

Join Us!

We invite you to join us in doing church together.  We meet every Sunday morning at 10am for the purpose of “Leading People to Passionately Follow Jesus.”  We accomplish this by GOING, GROWING and OBEYING the Lord Jesus Christ as instructed in Matthew 28:19-20.  Beach...

Get Ready for the Ultimate Garage Sale!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 13th, because Beach Corner Church is hosting a giant garage sale from 9am to 4pm!  This isn’t just any old garage sale—it’s a can’t-miss event packed with treasures waiting to be discovered!
But wait, there’s more!  Not only will you have the chance to snag some incredible finds, but you’ll also be supporting our youth and community. That’s right, folks! This garage sale is a fundraiser aimed at sending our awesome youth to camp over the May long weekend.
So, swing by the Beach Corner Church parking lot on Range Road 14 between Hwy 16 and 16A, and get ready to shop ’til you drop while munching on some delicious food. It’s the perfect opportunity to score amazing deals, make a difference, and have a blast all at the same time!

Don’t miss out on the fun—see you there!

Our Online Worship Option Is Still Available

During this new time of “Social Distancing,” this does not mean that we need to be disconnected. Beach Corner Church will continue to stream our Sunday Morning services for those who prefer to continue with this option at this time. Stay connected with us by going to our YouTube page.

Also a reminder that the church accepts email transfers.  You can do this through your online banking, use the church email address ( and we do not require a password; the funds will go directly into the church account.  You can also still contact the church office by phone or email if you prefer other ways to make tithes and offerings or if you have any other questions.

Thank you for staying connected as a church family.