Welcome to the Durham Hospital Foundation

The Durham Hospital Foundation was established in 1997 to raise funds for the Durham Hospital, helping to ensure and maintain a strong and healthy community.

 Since 2005, the Foundation has directed more than $1.2 M to the Durham Hospital  to purchase new medical and diagnostic equipment and fund facility upgrades and repairs. These tools help provide quality patient care, speeding recovery and enhancing the quality of life.  The Foundation has also created an investment fund with a respected firm to ensure quality, local healthcare for future generations.  Gifts from estates and Wills and major gifts of over $5,000 may be designated to the Investment Fund.

 Please continue to support the Foundation in maintaining a strong, vibrant hospital as part of a healthy community.


Please consider designating the Durham Hospital Foundation when making a gift in your Will and for gifts made in the memory of a loved one. These gifts help ensure the future of the Durham Hospital.