Ash Wednesday – February 22, 2023 (and Lent, too!)

Ash Wednesday worship: weather precluded our in-person gathering 2/22/23. Here is the audio devotion link for you to use at home.

In addition, we have some exciting changes and some longstanding traditions Lent and Holy Week 2023.

First: SOUP SUPPERS ARE COMING BACK-with a twist. We’re calling it “soup AND suppers”-as volunteer groups plan one simple, kid-friendly entree and one soup to choose from. Meals begin Wednesday, March 1 and conclude March 29. Each meal service in the Luther Rooms begin at 5:45pm with a freewill donation. At 6:30 pm, we gather in the sanctuary for brief worship. Our theme for midweek worship is O CHRIST, SURROUND ME. You’ll learn the background of this phrase (it’s ancient!)…and, over 5 Wednesday nights, we will spend holy time considering God’s protection and courage. Worship is 30 minutes.

Wednesday nights are the perfect time to rest in Christ, and make friends old and new. Consider inviting a neighbor, a coworker, or anyone you feel might need some special moments for Christ to surround us all.

To nurture your faith at home, each household is welcome to this FREE book, courtesy of the Memorial Committee. You may pick up yours in the Narthex starting on Transfiguration Sunday.

Mission Celebration Sunday, Dec 4, 2022

Keep going, keep growing is our Stewardship Theme for 2022.

It is inspired by this powerful verse of encouragement from Philippians 4:9: Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.

On December 4, the congregation gathered for our Quarterly Budget meeting to plan our mission for 2023.  

Our ministry is vital and generous—and our entire community is blessed—because of your gifts of timetalent, and treasure.  Keep going!

Advent 2022

Simple, contemplative song-based worship for all ages. Messages with a mission focus. Join us Wednesday evenings to prepare for Christmas. You are welcome here.

June 13, 2022 Outages

Hello! The lightning storm on June 13 interfered with a few church systems. As of Sunday, June 19, phone lines, internet and firewall have been restored, and sanctuary HVAC and lighting is in process.

We thank our utility workers and several local companies helping us troubleshoot solutions. We are working with insurance for safety inspections, and expect a full return of the building’s operations. In the meantime, since lightning can cause idiosyncratic failures in circuitry, if there is something you notice out of order in our church building, please notify a staff member.

The main office can receive phone calls and email, and our ministry continues. Office hours are 8a-3p Mon-Thurs, 8a-noon Friday.