A Heart for Seniors ~ Memory Care Placement

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A Heart for Seniors Care Placement by A Heart for Seniors ~ Memory Care Placement
FREE Senior Care Placement Services for seniors 60+ with Alzheimer's or Dementia, Assisted Living, and Independent Living... in San Diego County.
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Isabel from A Heart for Seniors ~ Memory Care Placement Answered this on March 01, 2018
During my media sales days, our stategy was to let the customer know that our prices were set to ensure everyone was competing evenly. Then we would ask, how would you feel if you learned that one of your competitors paid a lot less for his ad than yours? We followed by showing examples of... (more) During my media sales days, our stategy was to let the customer know that our prices were set to ensure everyone was competing evenly. Then we would ask, how would you feel if you learned that one of your competitors paid a lot less for his ad than yours? We followed by showing examples of results and problems we solved.

Isabel from A Heart for Seniors ~ Memory Care Placement Answered this on October 27, 2017
If the issue is primarily with new customers, then as you say they have not experienced your quality of service. The goal should be to gain TRUST and establish a relationship with new customers. You could rely on customer's ratings to vouch for your service. A policy of integrity can also help:... (more) If the issue is primarily with new customers, then as you say they have not experienced your quality of service. The goal should be to gain TRUST and establish a relationship with new customers. You could rely on customer's ratings to vouch for your service. A policy of integrity can also help: you want to be fair to all customers...and ask politely: how would you feel if you learned that a friend got a better price than You? You would feel cheated wouldn't you? I value my customers too much to discount prices for others. Depending on your costs...you may consider a loyalty rewards program: a % credit after X purchases. You can talk about how much your loyalty customers love this program. Also referral programs can also earn them store credits after they refer a customer(s). So when people ask for discounts...you could say we have a couple of loyalty programs that customers like you have loved taking advantage of... this send the message that your special programs are for loyal customers. If you discount to new customers, they won't value your service and will continue shopping for the next business that will drop their price. You will have started a relationship based on a discounted price and it's tough to go up from there. This is not a good way to start a relationship. If you sell things...you could have a bargain section that you can say: you may be interested in this then...this is our blowout section. Another strategy: we are rarely slow enough to discount, but once in a while if we are slow, we may run a special promo through "groupon." When that happens you could buy special value coupons."

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Isabel Lozano from A Heart for Seniors ~ Memory Care Placement
Isabel Lozano