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Apart from a few new trucks and other items, voters will decide on whether Lake Garfield property owners should have to foot the bills for milfoil control themselves.



Lenox voters will consider a total operating budget request for fiscal 2025 is just over $31 million, an increase of 8.1 percent over the current fiscal year, in addition to a number of other spending items.

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Massachusetts' clean energy jobs already match those in the restaurant industry and in higher education, but thousands more are needed to reach emissions reduction goals.

Anyone who was at Columbia University in the spring of 1968 cannot help but see a reprise of those stormy, fateful and thrilling days in what is happening on the Morningside Heights campus today.


I think of that old mower when I see modern ones at work. Some of them can turn on a dime. Turning the Locke required planning, cautious execution, patience and confidence. The mower had no reverse gear. There was no going back. Lesson learned.

While negotiators remain at odds over how much they want to draw from state savings and exactly what kind of time limits to place on shelter stays — plus whether restaurants should resume takeout drink sales — funding could run out in less than two weeks, a Healey administration official confirmed Thursday.

Things to do this week in Berkshire County

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