Search legislation and regulations

You research legislation, and it’s hard, so very hard. BillTrack50 can help. We provide a rich, fully featured keyword search tool for state and federal legislation and regulations and assemble your results into an intuitive spreadsheet-style grid for you to view and enjoy. It includes the capability to sort, filter, group, edit, and export reports. You can even add your own notes. Our bill pages include AI-generated bill summaries to help you better understand legislation. Let us take care of the drudgery of keeping bill information updated so you can focus on the more important work you have to do.

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Screenshot of Billtrack50's Bill Search Feature on a computer screen

“I just want to reiterate how great this site is. Years and years ago, I worked for one of the big state legislative monitoring companies so I understand how hard it can be to track legislation across the states. You have created an excellent system. I am receiving alerts on my bills quickly and with more accuracy than any other site I am using. Thanks again!”


Megan Stokes
Executive Director, The National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs

Track results and get customizable alerts

Staying on top of fast moving legislative sessions is hard, too. We will send you a single daily email with just the information you need to stay informed about changes to the bills you care about. You can also choose to get a separate email reminding you of committee hearings scheduled in the next 7 days so nothing slips past you. All alerts are configured individually by user, so you are in control.

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Screenshot of a BillTrack50 Bill Sheet Alert email on a mobile device

"Ballotpedia has been using BillTrack50 for many years. The widgets are user-friendly in helping display bills that each legislator has sponsored. The tool is also an effective and efficient way for Ballotpedia to inform readers via our Legislation Tracker about interesting bills in unique topic areas." 


Geoff Pallay
Editor in Chief, Ballotpedia

Share lists, maps and legislative scorecards

Need to keep your members updated about ongoing legislative developments? Simply drop one of our bill tracking tools onto your website and we'll keep it full of fresh, relevant, deep content. The lists and maps are kept up to date with the current status of each bill automatically. You control the size and appearance of the tracking widgets and you can even choose to color code bills to highlight if you support or oppose the bill. Your readers can click on any bill to get more information without needing their own BillTrack50 account! See an example of our map widget below.

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"We invested in BillTrack50 early on because we had a strong desire to provide legislators of both parties an understanding of the pluses and minuses of the wide variety of bills they vote on every session."

Rio Grande Foundation logo

Paul G.
President, Rio Grande Foundation

Map Widget Example

Trending Bills for Each State

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