Programs & Activities

Each month, there is a variety of recreational programs that are organized by Cochrane and community partners. There are programs for child development, parental education and community well-being, as well as programming for community members ages 55 and up.

Find a program using our digital Cochrane Program & Activity Guide, available on issuu:


See a program you like? Click the button below to register for it online! You’ll be prompted to create a family account the first time you register, or you can log in with your Facebook account.

Register for a program  

Community Clean Up

Residents and community groups are invited to join the Cochrane-wide clean up, May 4. Many hands make light work, an event the whole family can participate in. Grab some gear, pick up litter & return your bag to the designated spots for collection.

Great Neighbour Nomination

Cochrane is overflowing with of compassionate citizens and supportive neighbors. Share a story about someone who enriches our community. It could be anyone who extends a helping hand or brings about positive changes in your neighbourhood.
Nominate your Neighbour