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Did you know that surplus stores promote sustainability by reducing waste? Here are five ways that buying surplus not only saves you money, but saves the earth too! Recertified products are one way to promote a sustainable future. When customers return merchandise to stores, the products are sent back to the manufacturer to be checked over, repaired if necessary, tested to be working properly, and then resold to surplus stores.

Open box merchandise means products have been opened by customers in the store. Many customers want a pristine, unopened box, showing that the product has been untouched, so again, Big Box retailers send the products back to the manufacturer to be sold as surplus.

Surplus products also sometimes have scratches and defects that lead manufacturers to reject them as less than perfect representations of their brand. With food, for example, imperfect produce or baked goods are often simply thrown away. A much better solution than wasting perfectly good products is selling them off as surplus. You get a great deal while there is less waste for the environment.

Off-lease computers have been leased by a corporation and then returned to the leasing company, who then sells them to surplus dealers. Here's a look at why green consumers are buying refurbished electronics such as computers and phones. Similarly, military products that have been used become military surplus.

Finally, surplus products are created when a manufacturer has just produced too many, or the manufacturer has a new model and wants to get rid of all of last year's models. You get a new product at a great discount, and the environment gets less waste. A win-win for everyone!

Our Recent Awards!

London Free Press Best of London Ontario Award

The London Free Press Has Named Us London's Best Surplus Store!

Thanks to the support of our loyal customers, we have been recognized for having some of the best deals in London. Not bad for a small business in a city of 430,800 people.

We work hard to find our customers the best deals on camping gear, appliances, off-lease computers, airsoft, and survival supplies! And we really appreciate all the folks who took the time and effort to cast their vote for us this year as London's Best Surplus Store.

We Have Been Named The Best Camping Equipment Supply Store in Southern Ontario Corporate Vision Canadian Business Award Winner 2023 in the Canadian Business Awards for 2023!

We've been selling outdoor equipment since 1980, and we were one of the first businesses in Canada to join the world of internet commerce in 1997. Our selection of backpacks and bags is huge, offering 177 choices, from budget models to high-end hiking packs. We also offer over 40 choices of sleeping bags, tents, and camping lanterns or lights, plus more than 200 other camping accessories. But the best part is our discount surplus prices, which are typically much less than Big Box stores or other Canadian camping gear stores. High quality gear at surplus prices, plus personal service. What could be better?

We have won Corporate LiveWire’s "Bargain Store of the Year" for 2021/22!

Canadian Bargain store Forest City Surplus won the Corporate LiveWire Bargain Store of the Year for 2021-22 award!
Over 90,000 businesses and corporate professionals across the globe were approached this past year to be part of Corporate LiveWire’s Global Awards. The award selection committee seeks out companies that are results-driven, innovative, and service-focused. They also look for companies who can showcase their expertise and highlight developments in their industry. Our team was ecstatic to be selected by the judging panel to win the "Best Bargain Store" category.

For over 40 years, Forest City Surplus Canada has been focused on finding outstanding deals on new products and surplus goods. We are constantly on the lookout for new closeout deals, off-lease computers, and off-season appliances such as air conditioners that other businesses do not want to store. These are just a few of the ways that we have been able to go the extra mile to obtain quality products at bargain prices for our customers. We're delighted to see our passion for finding the best deals for our customers being recognized on an international level.