Nuclear Waste Management Organization

Nuclear Waste Management Organization


Toronto, Ontario 12,586 followers

Protecting people and the environment

About us

The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is a not-for-profit organization tasked with the safe, long-term storage of Canada’s used nuclear fuel in a manner that protects people and the environment for generations to come.

Company size
51-200 employees
Toronto, Ontario
Privately Held


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    22 St Clair Ave E

    Fourth Floor

    Toronto, Ontario M4V 1L4, CA

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Employees at Nuclear Waste Management Organization


  • #Canada has a plan to safely manage used nuclear fuel for the long-term. It involves centrally containing and isolating #UsedNuclearFuel in a #DeepGeologicalRepository to protect both people and the #environment. Le #Canada a un plan pour la gestion à long terme de son #CombustibleNucléaireIrradié. Il prévoit le confinement et l'isolement du combustible dans un #DépôtGéologiqueEnProfondeur pour protéger les gens et l'#environnement.

  • In 2023, we organized delegations of Canadians and Indigenous peoples – including members from both siting areas – to travel to Finland and tour what will be the world’s first deep geological repository for high-level nuclear waste. Participants had a hands-on opportunity to learn about what Canada’s repository will be like in the future. Find out what they learned and read the full 2023 annual report here:

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  • We’ve reached another milestone in the journey to find a site for a deep geological repository for Canada’s used nuclear fuel. Last night, the Municipality of South Bruce Mayor and Councillors passed a resolution to support an agreement between the Municipality and the NWMO that will impact multiple generations. Similar to the agreement between the NWMO and the Township of Ignace that was signed in March 2024, this agreement reflects the wishes and aspirations of the community if the project is implemented in their area. Commenting on the agreement, Lise Morton, VP, Site Selection said, “The Municipality of South Bruce and NWMO have co-created an agreement that is community-focused, building on South Bruce’s strong foundations and envisioning future possibilities,” said Lise Morton, Vice-President of Site Selection at the NWMO. “In preparation for the referendum, we encourage everyone to read the agreement and consider the benefits and impacts - including foundational investments and the creation of good jobs now and in the future.” We encourage all residents of South Bruce to review the agreement as they prepare to vote in a municipal referendum on the project in October 2024. More at

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  • The NWMO understands the life-giving importance of water and the need to protect it for generations to come. As part of that shared commitment, we invest in and support a range of projects to advance our understanding of water, contribute to the conservation of aquatic species and local habitats, provide financial support to people to improve their water wells, and participate in water conservation and shoreline preservation efforts. Learn more:

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  • The NWMO’s updated Confidence in Safety reports confirming we are confident a deep geological repository can be constructed to safely and responsibly manage Canada’s used nuclear fuel at both potential sites under consideration: one in the Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation-Ignace area in northwestern Ontario and the other in the Saugeen Ojibway Nation-South Bruce area in southern Ontario. "Safety is at the core of everything we do. It has driven our project design, engineering, environmental research and community engagement,” said Laurie, Swami, President and CEO of the NWMO. “These reports are the culmination of years of meticulous study by our science and engineering teams, and they represent a major milestone as we prepare to select a site later this year.” The NWMO has been conducting studies at these sites for several years now, starting with desktop studies using regional information, and getting progressively more detailed.    The work now includes data from deep boreholes, seismic studies, and other studies highlighting the geological features in each location and ensuring both sites can safely contain, and isolate used nuclear fuel.  Read more about the reports here.

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  • “While a big part of our focus in 2024 is selecting a site, that decision is not just a milestone for this year. It is the beginning of a new chapter as we look towards the future,” said Laurie Swami, President and CEO of the NWMO. “By continuing to collaborate with local communities, Indigenous peoples, scientific experts, international leaders, the nuclear industry, governments and others, I am confident that we can implement Canada’s plan and create the future together.” Read the full message from Laurie here. « Si le choix d’un site est un aboutissement qui retient la plus grande partie de notre attention en 2024, l’importance de cette décision ne sera pas seulement à brève échéance. La décision marquera aussi le début d’un nouveau chapitre qui nous projettera loin dans l’avenir », a dit Laurie Swami, présidente et chef de la direction de la SGDN. ' « En continuant à collaborer avec les collectivités locales, les peuples autochtones, les experts scientifiques, les leaders internationaux, l’industrie nucléaire, les gouvernements et autres organisations et personnes concernées, je suis persuadée que nous pourrons mettre en oeuvre le plan canadien et créer ensemble un avenir durable. » Lisez ici le message de Laurie au complet.

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