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“Sheri is a perfect blend of professional and friend. Working with someone with her expertise- her years of experience, her position as an appraiser, her understanding of the emotional toll of buying or selling a house has- was comforting in this chaotic market. Sher took the time to understand our needs and desires, and she helped to offer the calming voice in the flurry of activity that buying and selling a house requires. I am so thankful for her help throughout the process.”

-Angela N. (Nikki) Killen

Looking for land?

McIntosh Real Estate Services is happy to help you buy or sell farm properties or vacant land. Reach out to a member of our team today!

Real estate isn’t about lot size or sale prices- it’s about giving our clients the tools to make life’s most important decisions with confidence. Our team knows that our homes frame our lives, so let us find the place that fits all of your family’s dreams.